A home sale can expose your home and information in unwanted ways. This article is created to help guide you towards a safer home transaction. 

Don´t Expose Your Family and Your Privacy When Selling Your Home

It is always important that you keep your family safe and your...
Please see the Advanced Title Company article in the HBA Member Spotlight of the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel.

Here's the PDF for a full-screen...
Selling your house isn´t always easy. Especially when you are very emotionally attached to the property. Today we will share some advice that can help get you mentally prepared to put your house on the...
Ownership of land has always been important and protecting this was not always easy. That is why title insurance is so important but it wasn´t always around. So how exactly did title insurance get started and why? Read on to find out.

How Title Insurance Started

Since real estate has always been...

Take Advantage of This Spring Season to Sell Your Home

This spring season is definitely the time to start staging and showing off your house. During the months of April, May, and June there tends to be a lot of buyers actively looking for a home. That is why the sooner you get your home...

Start the Moving Process Ahead of Time So You Don´t Feel Overwhelmed with Moving into Your New Home

Signing the papers to your new home can be incredibly exciting but along with that comes a new set of things to take care of. When you finally receive the keys to your own place it is time to start...
By The Daily Sentinel 

A tighter inventory of homes for sale — especially those priced below $400,000 — has fueled a surge in new construction here in the Grand Valley.

A nine-year high in residential building permits is just one indicator of an improving housing market, the Sentinel’s...

How to Select a Home You Need and Want

There are many things that need to be considered, reviewed, and taken care of when it comes to buying a home. We previously provided some dos and don'ts of homebuying. That is why today we want to help you get started on the right path to choosing the...

Make Your Home Sale More Efficient with the Help of Technology

Selling your home is not always an easy job but it's definitely a satisfactory process. We previously shared some advice on how to sell your home at the best price without as much hassle. In that article, we briefly mentioned the...

Why is Title Fraud Something You Need to Know About?